Maegan & James {Honeymooning in Rome}

Once we finally had it settled that I was coming along on Maegan and James' Italian honeymoon, I knew I wanted to capture far more than just the actual formal shoot that we had planned.  They told me they didn't expect me to work the whole trip but how can you go on a honeymoon and not capture what's happening before you?!?I love getting to know my wedding clients but third wheeling a honeymoon gave me a whole new look and appreciation for what an amazing couple Maegan and James are.  For one, James is a perfect gentleman.  No matter where we walked he made sure that he was on the outside of the sidewalk.  He always reached for Maegan's hand and often found the small of her back.  He also has a special smile that only comes out when he is looking at Maegan.  Maegan is the just about the sweetest could you could ever meet and I couldn't ask for a better "sister wife";)This trip was my first time to Europe.  It had been crazy leading up to the trip so I had really done minimal research or planning to prepare myself for what was coming.  Since I was just the third wheel I gave myself no expectations for this trip.  The only thing I knew I NEEDED to do was sit at a sidewalk cafe, drink coffee, and read a book uninterrupted (and I definitely did plenty of that).  While in Rome, walking thousands of steps a day over ancient cobblestone streets I was struck by a reoccurring observation.  I loved people watching during our adventures.  Often I would try to guess where the person was from.  I would look at their style, their clothing, their accessories and try to guess who they were.  I was usually wrong.  I thought I was at least good at picking out the other "Americans", but as soon as they would start to talk in a different language or a different accent I would be proven wrong.  And it made me realize that our observations can create snap judgements that can be easily proven wrong with just a bit more information about the person in front of us.  What if we all lived more open to being proven wrong?The pictures in this blog post are different from my other work.  They are just a snapshot of our trip and my experience in Rome.  Enjoy!  #ADTAgoestoromeYou can also see the whole trip in slideshow form HERE